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Find the perfect balance: the Coffee vs Milk ratio,
the optimal temperature,
the right beans and blend that
suit your taste buds.

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the World of Coffee...

Now let's take a deep dive &
discover the world of coffee....

Black Vs White Coffee

Do you know the difference between a black coffee & a white coffee?....

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Order Like a Professional

Do you know what you are actually ordering when you are out and about

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World of Coffee Beans

Let's discover what origin, roasting style & type of beans suits you

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Brew Methods

Let's discover what style of brewing method suits your style

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Black vs white coffee

Choosing your black coffees & white coffees...

Black and white coffee is not as simple as it sounds...
What is the difference between the array of black coffees available to order at your local cafe? And what do all the white coffees mean? Find out about the distinguishing features each cup has as you look closer into what makes a coffee black or white, and explore blends that don't quite fit into either side.

Black Coffee

From the Italian word 'Ristretto' meaning confined, a Ristretto is a restricted (or confined) version of the Espresso.  The Ristretto is made with the same amount of coffee but less water.  Usually (especially in NZ) it is 20mls compared to a 30ml Espresso.

Size: 20-25 ml
Comsumption Custom: Straight

This is made by forcing pressurized, nearly boiling water through finely ground coffee beans

Size: 30 ml of coffee, usually served in a 30ml cup
Comsumption Custom: Straight
Used: Base of most of coffees
AKA: Short Black

Hot water is poured first, then two shots of espresso is added to the water. The termed used to describe this is "lengthening" the coffee.

Size: 60 ml coffee
Consumption Custom: Straight
Used: Most Common Black Coffee
AKA: Lungo

Adding water to espresso, so that 2/3 of the cup is water.

Size: 70 mls coffee if served in a 210ml cup.
Consumption Custom: Straight
Used: When a "black coffee" is ordered.

White Coffee

A single shot of coffee with frothy steamed milk. The proportion should be 1/3 coffee, 2/3s steamed milk

Size: 1 part coffee and 2 parts milk
Consumption Custom: Usually comes with a small side treat
Used: If you like creamy milk, but not too much froth
AKA: Cafe au Lait

Consists of three layers - A shot of espresso, then a shot of steamed milk, followed by a layer of foamy milk.

Size: 1 part coffee, 1 part creamy milk, 1 part foam
Consumption Custom: Served with chocolate or cinnamon on top
Used: A common cafe option
AKA: -

Steamed milk from the bottom of the jug, which is creamy rather than frothy, poured over espresso. (NZ/AUS only)

Size: 1 part coffee, 2 parts creamy milk
Consumption Custom: Common in NZ/Aus, a growing trend elsewhere
Used: The coffee offered when a 'white coffee' is ordered.
AKA: -

Everything In Between

One shot of espresso with a dollop of steamed milk on top.

Two shots of espresso topped with whipped cream.

Size: ml
Consumption Custom:

A blend of coffee, chocolate, and milk, topped with a silky textured froth.

We recommend making chocolate milk first, then steaming that milk and pouring over espresso. It is also possible to combine the coffee and chocolate and then add steamed milk.

A coffee drink with a shot of liqueur. There are many variants of it, with most including sugar and cream.

Size: 1 part coffee, 1 shot liqueur and creamy milk
AKA: Irish Coffee, Special Coffee

1 part vodka, 1 part espresso, 1 part frothed cream

Consumption Custom: After dinner instead of dessert and coffee - get it in one!
Used: Usually has chocolate on top
AKA: Can be served with coffee liqueur or coconut cream for a vegan version


Sound good when you're out and about, order like a professional!
Know how to order what you want and get what you ask for

To order your perfect cup at a cafe, you want to take into consideration the strength of the coffee, size of the coffee, the temperature, type of milk, sides you can order, and all the extras.

when you're ordering do you know the difference between:
single, double, and triple shot?
Different type of dairy and non dairy milk?
All the extras you can ask for to enhance your coffee experience?
All the quirky technical terms to make your cup of coffee perfect?

Single Shot

Double Shot

Triple Shot

Dash of milk
Hot milk
Cold milk
Coconut milk
Almond milk
Extra Foam
Do you know: trim/skim/skinny/green

Did you know that Latte means milk?
if your order a latte in Italy they will bring you a cup of milk

Extra hot
Dash of cold water

Tasting Notes are a common language developed to describe coffee aroma and taste.  Coffee tastes like coffee.  But, words need to exist to describe the small differences between beans.  

For more detail, Click here

Need a break from the technical &
serious coffee facts

Fun Facts about Coffee

World of coffee beans

Do you know what a good coffee bean is?
Do you know what your options are?

We have broken the complex world of coffee beans into 4 parts
Type of Beans, Origin Profile, Roasting, Blends
to assist you navigate through the complex world of coffee beans

Arabica vs Robusta (Type)

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Arabica is known for its sweeter and more likeable taste. Arabica is generally grown at a higher altitude, which means they are more vulnerable to pests and diseases but can display a brighter acidity. With the plant producing a lower yield, they are also more difficult to cultivate, and the development time is longer.These beans almost double in the amount of natural sugars, providing its fruitier and softer taste. With the increased oils, they are able to pack more of these sweet flavours.

Grown in lower altitudes, Robusta beans are a lot easier to harvest and are less susceptible to pests or disease. The plants produce a higher yield and contain much more caffeine than Arabica. This gives the beans a more nutty and earthy overtone. The harsher and more woody flavours are ideal for espresso when wanting to add a kick of flavour. However Robusta beans are most commonly used in instant coffee as it produces a higher caffeine intake and those drinking instant are usually more concerned about their energy than the actual flavour.

These short videos offer a visual learning and information platform. From new brewing methods to sustainability efforts, watch coffee in action and gain tips from professionals. Here you can improve and add to your skill-set or simply expand your knowledge when it comes to coffee.

Origin (Profile)

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Want an inside look into coffee in Brazil? Hear first-hand from the likes of farmers and coffee technicians all the way from Mina’s Gerais and discover just why Brazil is one of the top coffee producing countries in the world.

Recognised as having the perfect geography and climate for growing coffee, Colombia has become a country known for its rich and mild flavours. Explore all that Colombia has to offer through blogs and articles dedicated to the origin of these coffee beans.

Curious about coffee in other countries?
Let us know what country you would like to see next!

Immerse yourself into the coffee culture of Vietnam and find out more about the origin of these beans and what makes them so distinctive. With most of the coffee grown being Robusta, Vietnam shows just how diverse it can be when properly cultivated.

Roasts (Light, Medium, Dark)

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Ever wondered why some coffees tasted richer than others? Or how some gave off a darker, more bitter aroma? It may come naturally for many to assume the cause is from a difference in barista or cafe, but if you take a closer look, you'll find that one of the most significant determinants of a coffee’s flavour profile comes from the degree in which the coffee beans are roasted.

If you prefer a much sweeter, and tangy taste to your coffee, then light roasted beans are probably your best fit. These beans have the shortest roasting time and typically depict a pale, light brown colour. They contain the most caffeine due to this, little to no oil, and are less bitter in comparison, giving them an overall brighter tone. This way of roasting allows them to hold more distinct and pronounced qualities from the region they were grown.

Medium roast is typically the most popular choice, perhaps attributed to its more likeable, balanced and smooth flavour. These beans have an all rounded medium flavour profile, from its colour and flavour, to its aroma and acidity level. Similarly to light roasts, this degree preserves the qualities of its origin, while also incorporating the richer, deeper taste that comes from a longer roasting time.

For something a little bolder, you may want to look into dark roasts. Dark roasts have the longest roasting time and display an even richer and darker tone than the others. These beans show less distinction of its origin and are dark brown, almost black in colour. The darker the roast is, the less dense and the more oily it becomes. This gives off a noticeably charred taste, and the brightness you would usually get with a light roast is substituted with more body.

Blends (Single Origin Beans)

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Enhance the alluring qualities of your desired flavours by blending single origin coffee beans that complement one another. Pair a lightly woody tone with subtle floral hints to soften the roast while maintaining the strength and richness of its aroma or accentuate a fruity charm while bringing body to your coffee. Whatever your style, take advantage of the diverse characteristics found in coffee beans all over the world. Enrich the best qualities and create a perfectly balanced blend of coffee.

We are featuring The Immigrant's Son's blend: Tesora - including interview with the Roaster, Sasha Watkins.

Her secret ingredient when roasting? Remembering Coffee is a ‘modo di vivere’, a way of life. There is always the ritual, always the respect.

Coming Soon...

Coming Soon...

Brew Methods

Find a brewing method that suits your coffee drinking style...

V60, Syphon, Plunger, Stove Top, Drip,
Cold Brew, Ice Brew

Pour Over
The pour over design has a longer brewing process which means it is able to make even the most subtlest notes more pronounced. The extraction makes flavours and aromas more vibrant.

V60, Chemex

Drip coffee can sometimes fall short to the V60 due to the latters longer extraction time. However, Drip coffee has a simple and well-bodied flavour that holds a strong and bold note.

the Plunger brews coffee without exposure to pressure or boiling process to maximise its flavour. It brews a full bodied coffee that is rich in taste.

Contrary to the plunger, the Syphon brings a more clean and clarified tone to a coffee. It has two chambers and uses a vapor pressure to brew, giving it that rich and bright flavour.

The Stovetop consists of three chambers and brews a rich, heavy bodied coffee full of flavour.

Ice Brew
Don't confuse Ice Brew and Ice Coffee. An Ice or Iced Coffee is an Espresso, cooled, and poured over ice. Ice Brew goes a step further than the Cold Brew - the flavour is extracted using ice instead of cold water.

Videos of Becky's fun with Carbonated Ice
Brew coming soon!

Cold Brew
Cold brew uses time instead of pressure to extract the coffee bean's flavour.

Want to watch cold brew in action? Let us know.

Coming Soon...

Tasting A Double Espresso - Hyogo, Japan
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