Coffee at Home - Argentina

As someone who loves coffee, I always try to have the best cup possible, no matter where I am. Contrary to some belief, you can have a barista made cup in your own home, with just the right equipment and knowledge.

To make my favourite coffee, a well-rounded espresso, I use the Ascaso Dream coffee machine. Using 100% arabica beans, this machine perfectly recreates high quality coffee.

For me, making coffee has become something like a ritual. It combines art and technique, and has its own rules. If you want to experience this too, I recommend following these tips for the best expresso.

Amount of coffee 7 - 7.5 g

Water temperature 88 - 92 ºC

Water pressure 9 - 15 bar

Preparation time 20 - 30 seconds

The water in an espresso machine comes out at a high pressure over the coffee, due to this speed your coffee beans need to be ground very fine, otherwise the water will go through the coffee and you won’t get the same characteristic flavor of an espresso that you love.

The final result? An intense coffee layered with different textures.


This is the golden brown layer on top of the coffee, made up of proteins and oils, which are created by the combination of sugars and amino acids.


This is the main part of espresso, and it brings acidity and sweetness.

It has 2 levels, the body and the heart.

The body is the middle part of the espresso and is normally caramel brown in color.

As for the heart, the base of the espresso, it’s generally a richer, darker shade of coffee.

This is the uniqueness of espresso, and the reason I don’t add any milk. Just pure espresso in the comfort of my home… Perfect.

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